Tag Archives: Rose Wulf

Sparks of Blue (MF) ~ Rose Wulf @RoseWulfAuthor @evernightpub

From the Author…

Hello my lovelies! Thank you so much for having me today!

I’m here this time to talk about my brand new release, Sparks of Blue (Dark Light 2)! I am beyond excited for this particular book and I just know you’re going to love it!

07 Jul 13th - Sparks of Blue


Dark Light, 2

Nearly a century ago warrior angel Kai and Nephilim Belle were lovers. Then he broke her heart and never looked back.

Now Second in Command of the angel armada, Kai knew he was the obvious choice for this long-term mission. And his job was clear: keep Belle and her patient alive. But he wasn’t prepared for the resurgence of old memories and long-ignored feelings. He’ll have to face what he did a hundred years ago if he wants a chance to be back in Belle’s arms…but even then, angels are forbidden from laying with Nephilim. If they were caught, Belle would be executed.

Born a Nephilim, Belle was neither angel nor human. But she was a healer, and she was damned good at it. Her reputation got her noticed by the armada and eventually earned her the title of Master Healer. It also earned her a terrible assignment: save the life – and therefore the soul – of a cursed human…under the protection of her ex-lover. And it turns out the chemistry they’d once shared may have been buried, but it’s a flame that could never burn out.


She shoved the frustration of the never-ending struggle to prove herself from her mind as she checked out, doing her best to ignore the obvious flirtation attempt from the man at the desk. He could hardly meet her gaze long enough to smile. But she didn’t care, she just wanted to get out of there. As soon as she was done she moved out of sight, heading for a couple of trees that would make disappearing a little easier.

“You want me to smite him for you?”

Kai’s question startled her, as did the sound of his voice coming from behind her, and Belle jumped. “Kai, you scared the crap out of me!” she exclaimed as she turned to face him. His words hit her, then, and she couldn’t stop the tease. “Smite, really?”

“Seemed appropriate,” Kai said by way of explanation as he stepped into her personal space. Before she could catch her breath at his nearness he’d slipped her bag from her shoulders with one hand and caught her hip with the other. “Stop taking risks,” he added, the order roughened by a distantly familiar thickness to his voice that sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. Before she could process what he was doing he’d tugged her up against his chest and caught her lips in a hard kiss.

Belle moaned as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, demanding and teasing at the same time. He kissed her like a man starved, winding both arms around her as she kissed him back. Her skin burned beneath his heavy, heated touch and she threaded her fingers through  his hair. It was thick and soft, exactly the way she remembered. He rolled his tongue over hers, stroking and sliding, reminding her body of exactly what he was capable of. Heat pooled low in her belly and she leaned into him instinctively.

For a long, blissful moment it was as if nothing had ever changed between them. The past ninety-plus years never happened. They were just two people with a powerful attraction to each other. They’d never broken up. He hadn’t ripped her heart out and torn it to shreds with his cruel words.

Except that he had. And that reminder was enough to dampen the flame he’d reignited in her blood. No matter how mindlessly good a kisser he was, no man was worth that. She had more self-respect than to throw herself at someone who could think so little of her.

Belle pushed back, taking a full step away from him as she fought to catch her breath. Her body rallied against her, remembering all too well the pleasure he could bring, but she held strong. She just hoped he couldn’t see the tears stinging her eyes.

Sparks of Blue - Banner1

Buy Links:

Evernight  ~  Bookstrand  ~  Amazon (US)  ~  All Romance

Author Bio:

Rose Wulf is a giant romance fangirl. Hot, protective, sometimes even downright barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, and over the years she’s only grown fonder of it. The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author those are Rose’s favorite things to play with – not always to the relief of her fictional babies!

Behind the scenes Rose is a quiet personality. She enjoys spending her non-writing time with her four year-old German Shepherd, Shadow, her mom, and her friends. Be it a fun game of Cards Against Humanity or a relaxing movie night, Rose believes everything is better with company. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero (and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to cook!).

Author Links:

Website  ~  Blog  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  TSU  ~  Triberr  ~  Instagram  ~  Amazon  ~  Goodreads

Series 3D 1

Black Dawn, book 1 ~ Evernight | Bookstrand | Amazon | ARe

BLOWN (MF) ~ Rose Wulf @RoseWulfAuthor @evernightpub

From the Author…

Hello! Thank you for having me! Today I’m here to talk about my brand-new release, Blown (Elemental 2)!

06 Jun 30th - BLOWN-final


Elemental Series, 2

With enemies that can pull lightning from the sky, it’s probably a bad time to fall in love.

Air elemental Nate Hawke had it bad for his new renter, Madison Price. He should have been staying away, but then it was too late – her place of work was up in flames. So he planted himself at her side, vowing to stand between his enemies and the woman he was falling in love with, come what may.

Madison knew better than to have a thing for her sexy new landlord. She just couldn’t help herself. After her work burned to the ground, leaving her with the battle scars to prove it, she didn’t have much better to do than think about Nate Hawke. She just never imagined what he and his brothers were capable of – or what it might mean if she were to lose him.

This is a previously published work. It has been revised and edited for Evernight Publishing.


“This was an amazing idea, Nate. Thank you.” It was the truth. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed herself as much.

Nate smiled, reaching over and brushing his fingertips lightly along the base of her throat as he leaned down and murmured, “You’re welcome.”

A shiver entirely unrelated to the breeze raced down her spine and Madison swallowed heavily. Her skin tingled beneath his feather-light touch as his warm breath fanned over her ear, and she doubted any woman would begrudge her such reflexes. She leaned back, into his touch, and shifted so that she could reach over and loosely grasp the collar of his shirt as she tugged him closer. He leaned in willingly, and this time when their lips met there was no hesitation. After a lingering moment, his tongue slipped out and trailed along her lower lip before sweeping into her mouth.

Her hand released his collar, sliding up his toned chest and curving around his shoulders until she could tangle it in his loose, dark hair. His hand tightened slightly over the nape of her neck, his fingers massaging the skin, as his other hand landed on her hip and hauled her up against his chest. His tongue slid along hers, more interested in the sensual dance than the exploration that awaited him, and Madison’s other hand lifted to curl into the side of his shirt. She hadn’t expected his kiss to awaken her senses quite so thoroughly, but she couldn’t deny that it had.

He rolled his tongue over hers one more time, letting the motion linger, before pulling away.

Madison dragged in a deep breath, her own hold on him relaxing, and she slowly offered him a small, appreciative smile.

He swallowed as he pulled his hands from her and asked, “So … ready to keep going?”

She nodded, taking a moment to find her own voice. “Can I borrow your phone? I want to take one more picture before we move on.” She also needed to catch her breath. She wanted to enjoy the environment as much as the man sharing it with her and, at the moment, her instincts were to focus mostly on enjoying him.

His lips twitched and he tugged the camera out of his pocket. “Sure.” He handed it over before adding, “I’ll just clean up while you’re doing that.”

“Okay,” she said, smiling again as she pushed to her feet.

Madison moved closer to the edge of the cliff, wanting a picture of the clearing from the other side, and secretly glad that she would get at least one shot with Nate in it. And maybe she’d take a shot of the rocky shore that was surely far beneath them, too. But before she did either, she decided, she was going to shed her jacket. She had cooled down for the moment, but she knew that what was left of the hike would keep her temperature high enough without the fabric. So she dropped the phone in her jeans pocket and shrugged out of the coat as her gaze glided across the surface of the water before her.

She was too distracted to register the shifting of the ground beneath her feet at first, and when she shifted her weight to tug her arm free of the remaining sleeve, it was too late. The ground beneath her seemed to give, sinking slightly, before cracking and crumbling away entirely. The surface of the cliff arched out over open air, and there simply wasn’t enough to support her weight.

For a moment, Madison’s eyes widened and her heart stopped as she felt herself begin to fall. And then an instinctive cry tore from her lips as she attempted to spin around and throw herself backwards. She succeeded only in losing what was left of her footing and finding herself in free fall.


Buy Links:

Evernight  ~  Bookstrand  ~  Amazon (US)  ~  All Romance

Author Bio:

Rose Wulf is a giant romance fangirl. Hot, protective, sometimes even downright barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, and over the years she’s only grown fonder of it. The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author those are Rose’s favorite things to play with – not always to the relief of her fictional babies!

Behind the scenes Rose is a quiet personality. She enjoys spending her non-writing time with her four year-old German Shepherd, Shadow, her mom, and her friends. Be it a fun game of Cards Against Humanity or a relaxing movie night, Rose believes everything is better with company. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero (and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to cook!).

Author Links:

Website  ~  Blog  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  TSU  ~  Triberr  ~  Instagram  ~  Amazon  ~  Goodreads


Series 3D Lg

WET, book 1 ~ Evernight | Bookstrand | Amazon (US) | ARe

Stayed for Alpha (MF) ~ Rose Wulf @RoseWulfAuthor @evernightpub

From the Author…

Hello again! Thank you so much for having me back! This time I’m here to tell you about the latest installment in my Night Shadows series: Stayed for Alpha!

06 Jun 9th - StayedForAlpha


Night Shadows, 3

Adam Jefferies is a young Alpha taking a big risk. He wants to set down roots in California—a state largely claimed by the oldest and most powerful vampires. He’s going to have to earn his place the hard way.

Whitney King is a Rogue wolf with a single purpose in life: get revenge for the pack that took her in so many years ago. The pack that was slaughtered by a dangerous vampire. She’s tracked that vampire to California and she’s prepared to risk her life to end him. But she’s not prepared to find something worth living for…

When Adam takes Whitney in she says it’s temporary. He knows it won’t be, but he’ll have to show her why if he wants her to stay.


But when was the last time Rogues traveled in groups? Maybe that was the problem. Dylan was obviously Rogue. That alone would give most wolves reason to be cautious. Brody and Camila were followers. Gammas. Their attaching themselves to a stronger wolf made sense. And if Dylan had Alpha in him, his acceptance of them would make sense, too. But he swore he didn’t.

Adam just wasn’t sure whether or not he believed that.

As he watched, Dylan leaned a little too far into Whitney’s personal space and Whitney recoiled. Adam felt a surge of possessiveness flare inside him. Dylan was flirting with her and it pissed him off. Fortunately, Whitney’s rejection of those advances was fairly obvious. Except, apparently, to Dylan.

Dylan’s arm extended as though he were reaching for her and Whitney moved fluidly to her feet. Out of reach.

Adam took a step forward on instinct.

“Hey, Dylan,” Jim called from the grill a heartbeat later. He gestured with the tongs he held. “Why don’t I show you how to work this thing?”

That was probably for the best. Although if Adam’s possessive instincts didn’t cool off, Dylan’s time with them would have to be cut short.

Whitney used the opportunity to extract herself from the others and strode toward him purposefully. She stepped right into his personal space like she belonged there. “Kiss me,” she breathed. “Make a scene.”

Adam didn’t really need to be asked, but he didn’t bother to explain that, either. Instead he wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her up to his lips. His tongue slipped into her mouth without resistance and Whitney’s hands dug into his shoulders as she held onto him. He nearly growled against her lips. Suddenly he felt like he’d been starving for her, and it was harder than it should have been to keep the kiss from leading somewhere.

He was hard and suitably breathless when the kiss broke. The sound of her own uneven breathing drew a brief grin from him. Until he remembered the reason for her demand. “Was Dylan bothering you?” he asked, voice low so as not to carry.

Whitney laid her head on his shoulder, face turned in so that she could talk quietly. “More like annoying. I’m hoping he’ll take the hint.”

Doing his best to smother his growl, Adam bent his head and traced his lips along her slender throat. “We’ll just keep reinforcing it.” Right then, right in that moment, Adam would have marked her as his just to keep her safe from another wolf’s harassment. As it was, he vowed that for as long as she was his he’d make sure his scent lingered on her skin. Thick enough that no wolf with half a nose could miss it.

“Are you sure about including them?” Whitney asked, drawing him out of his lust-induced frenzy. Mostly.

Adam frowned and lifted his head so that his chin rested on her head. She fit perfectly against him. Slender and soft, a good head shorter. Perfect for holding in his arms and wrapping himself around. But this wasn’t the time to be thinking about those things. Those might be things best left unexplored, even. “I’m reserving judgment. I have to consider it, at least.”


Buy Links:

Evernight  ~  Bookstrand  ~  Amazon (US)  ~  All Romance

Author Bio:

Rose Wulf is a giant romance fangirl. Hot, protective, sometimes even downright barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, and over the years she’s only grown fonder of it. The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author those are Rose’s favorite things to play with – not always to the relief of her fictional babies!

Behind the scenes Rose is a quiet personality. She enjoys spending her non-writing time with her four year-old German Shepherd, Shadow, her mom, and her friends. Be it a fun game of Cards Against Humanity or a relaxing movie night, Rose believes everything is better with company. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero (and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to cook!).

Author Links:

Website  ~  Blog  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  TSU  ~  Triberr  ~  Instagram  ~  Amazon  ~  Goodreads

Stayed for Alpha - Series Banner Lg

Caught In Darkness, book 1Evernight
Found in Flames, book 2Evernight

Beauty’s Beast (MF) ~ Rose Wulf @RoseWulfAuthor @evernightpub

From the Author…

Hi and thanks for having me on your blog today!

I’m excited to talk about my latest release, Beauty’s Beast! This one is part of Evernight Publishing’s Naught Fairytales line and is, you guessed it, a re-imagining of Beauty & the Beast. My version comes complete with a mouth-watering incubus trapped in a castle!

06 Jun 1st - Beauty'sBeast


She was human. He was not…

Aurora’s life took a turn for the exciting when she won a four-night trip to Castle Finnegan. A castle inhabited by a sexy stranger with smoldering bedroom eyes and a sinful touch. It was easy getting swept up in his arms, harder to accept that she had to let go.

Daemyn didn’t get attached. There was no point. But he couldn’t keep Aurora out of his heart any easier than he could keep her from his bed. And that presented a problem, because if she ever found out he wasn’t human she would run. Not that it mattered, because he was cursed to the castle for eternity… unless he could get Aurora to love him for what he was.



Aurora rolled onto her back, blinking up at the shifting shadows on her tall ceiling. She’d left her bedroom curtains open so that her room might fill with moonlight, and in that, she was not disappointed. If she were being honest with herself, actually, she was only disappointed with one thing so far—not knowing Mr. Sexy’s name. But she swore she could still feel his lips on her neck. His tongue slipping out to moisten the skin. The graze of his teeth when he sucked. The heat of his hands through the fabric of her robe.

“Be ready for me tomorrow.”

Even now that bold, promising declaration pulsed through her. She should have been scandalized. Horrified. Furious. Most rational women would surely have stormed right up to Mr. Finnegan’s room and demanded action be taken. But she wanted no such thing. No, all Aurora really wanted was to fall into Mr. Sexy’s arms and find out if he made love as well as his touch said he would.

She was uncomfortable. Her core ached with need and she knew if she checked, she’d find herself wet. And there was really only one thing she could do about it … if she was brave enough to do such a thing under someone else’s roof. With her best friend across the hall. Ordinarily she might not have been, but tonight the desire was strong. It burned hot through her veins just thinking about the man who’d started it.

Besides, who’ll know? There was no harm in it.

Pulling her lips between her teeth, Aurora kicked down the comforter and slipped her hand beneath the waistline of her pajama shorts. Sure enough, she found herself slick and sensitive. So she closed her eyes, slid her fingers over her folds, and pulled up a mental image of Mr. Sexy. Tall, broad, with rippling muscles and a deep, sensual voice. Dark brown eyes and long, dark hair.

A hot, heavy touch.

“Breathe, beautiful,” he’d said when he touched her. She moaned and slid a finger into her center. Good God, his voice … even now it rumbled through her like a promising caress.

Someone knocked at her door, startling her so much she accidentally thrust her finger harder into her body. She couldn’t have stopped the resulting moan if she tried, and she prayed that whoever was on the other side of the wooden door hadn’t heard it. Before she could gather herself enough to straighten her clothes and stand, however, the door swung open and she froze.

It was him.

Mr. Sexy.

Beauty's Beast - Banner2

Buy Links:

Evernight  ~  Bookstrand  ~  Amazon (US)  ~  All Romance

Author Bio:

Rose Wulf is a giant romance fangirl. Hot, protective, sometimes even downright barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, and over the years she’s only grown fonder of it. The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author those are Rose’s favorite things to play with – not always to the relief of her fictional babies!

Behind the scenes Rose is a quiet personality. She enjoys spending her non-writing time with her four year-old German Shepherd, Shadow, her mom, and her friends. Be it a fun game of Cards Against Humanity or a relaxing movie night, Rose believes everything is better with company. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero (and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to cook!).

Author Links:

Website  ~  Blog  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  TSU  ~  Triberr  ~  Instagram  ~  Amazon  ~  Goodreads

Hostage Hearts (MF) ~ Rose Wulf @RoseWulfAuthor @evernightpub

From the Author…

Hello and thank you for having me today!

I’m super excited to talk to you about my latest release, Hostage Hearts! This one is a contemporary romance standalone, and a short story as a part of Evernight Publishing’s popular Romance on the Go line!

04 Apr 19th - Hostage Hearts - Sml


Ace Bufford’s day just went from bad to worse.

All he’d set out to do was a favor for a friend, and he’d somehow found himself barging into a random apartment with a gun in his hand. Except the sole inhabitant wasn’t a stranger; she was Lydia Caldwell. The one that got away.

She wasn’t supposed to want the man who’d pointed a gun at her. But she did. Ace had grown up in all the right ways – well, except for the gun thing. Without knowing how, Lydia suddenly found herself having to decide whether or not to embrace her unexpected attraction. And together they had to find a way to get Ace out of the mess he’d landed in, or their time together would end as abruptly as it had before….


“Why are you breaking into my apartment and pointing a gun at me after fifteen years?”

Ace released a long breath, slid the duffel from his shoulder, and took a seat on the opposite arm of the couch. “I can’t explain that,” he said as if she’d accept that line. “But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” she repeated incredulously. She shot to her feet, her adrenaline spiking in equal measure with her temper. “For which part, Ace? For dumping me so you could join the Army? For never returning my letters? For taking my virginity in the dirt behind the bleachers, or for not even giving me an orgasm to show for it? Or are you sorry for taking me hostage with no explanation?”

She thought for a moment she saw him cringe, but then it was gone and the hardened intruder he’d been when he’d bullied his way into her home returned. “Sit down, Lydia,” he said.

“Why? Why does it matter if I sit?”

Releasing a breath, Ace stood and lifted the gun. “Sit. Down.”

Her fury left her in a rush, leaving her feeling deflated and on the brink of tears. But Lydia swallowed that and reclaimed her seat with a grumbled, “Guess it’s not the hostage part, then.”

Running a hand through his hair, Ace replied, “I’m not that clumsy idiot boy you remember, okay? I’ve changed.”

Refusing to look at his eyes again, Lydia said, “Obviously. That boy at least pretended to care about me. He’d never have pointed a gun in my face.”

A soft thump drew her attention and Lydia glimpsed the discarded gun sitting on the farthest sofa cushion a moment before Ace hauled her up by the shoulders and crashed his lips over hers. He slid his tongue into her mouth remorselessly, burying one hand in her loose black hair as the other settled over her hip. He kissed her hard, bruising her lips and stroking his tongue over hers in a wicked rhythm. And, lord help her, she liked it.

Hostage Hearts - Banner5

Buy Links:

Evernight  ~  Bookstrand  ~  Amazon  ~  All Romance

Author Bio:

Rose Wulf is a giant romance fangirl. Hot, protective, sometimes even downright barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, and over the years she’s only grown fonder of it. The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author those are Rose’s favorite things to play with – not always to the relief of her fictional babies!

Behind the scenes Rose is a quiet personality. She enjoys spending her non-writing time with her four year-old German Shepherd, Shadow, her mom, and her friends. Be it a fun game of Cards Against Humanity or a relaxing movie night, Rose believes everything is better with company. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero (and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to cook!).

Author Links:

Website  ~  Blog  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  TSU  ~  Triberr  ~  Instagram  ~  Amazon  ~  Goodreads